- Unofficial Web Site -
Here is my unofficial website containing information about the Microprose game, MechCommander. This site is alsodevoted to the MechWarrior 2 series of computer games, MechWarrior 3 & 4 and otherBattleTech information.
Navigate using the contentsbar shown to the left of your screen.
View the updates section atthe bottom of this page... this entire site is constantly being updated so bookmark itnow!
If you have any questions,comments or suggestions concerning this site or anything related to the 'Mech computergames, BattleMechs or the BattleTech Universe please do not hesitate to contact me at
24 December: Sorry about the lack ofupdates over the past couple of weeks, I've been really busy. Some updates will be here inthe new year. Thanks for your patience.
21 November: The latest informationconcerning the MechWarrior 3 computer game has been published on this site. You can alsosee some awesome screen shots of the game. Just click on 'MECHWARRIOR - MechWarrior 3& 4' in the contents bar.
A new MODIFIED saved game for MechCommanderhas been uploaded to this web site. Click on 'MECHCOMMANDER - Saved Games' where it can befound at the bottom of the page.
You can now obtain the Download List forthis web site. This gives a list and descriptions of all the available files for downloadon this site. For more details click on 'OTHER - Download List' in the contents bar.
There is a new Web Tools link on this sitewhich is very useful for people with their own BattleTech related web page. Click on'OTHER - Web Site Tools' to find out more. Updates next Saturday, as usual!
14 November: A file containing severalsaved games for MechCommander has been added to this site. These games have not beenmodified but provide excellent salvage and equipment. They're also useful if you are stuckat one particular place in the game and feel like cheating! The file containing all ofthese saved games can be found under 'MECHCOMMANDER - Saved Games' in the contents bar tothe left of your screen.