- Walkthroughs -


Here is the Walkthrough for MechWarrior 2 - 31st Century Combat and the Strategy Guide for MechWarrior 2 - Mercenaries.

Sorry, no walkthrough has been yet been created for MechWarrior 2 - Ghost Bear's Legacy since there seems to be no demand for this.

I must comment that there are several ways to complete each of the missions and you will probably get more enjoyment from devising your own strategies. The walkthrough has been designed to help you with missions that you are completely stuck on and to prevent you from pulling your hair out!

MechWarrior 2 - 31st Century Combat

I must state that whenever I play any of the missions below I take pride in destroying all enemy 'Mechs. The strategies provided below do not take this into account and for those of you who are stuck, run when you have to.

Part 1: Skills of the Wolf Clan

The time will come when you should follow the guidance of the Keshik, but once you become more experienced, you will have to forsake his heavy guiding hand and strike out on your own. You must learn to use your lasers for small targets, and keep your missiles for distant strikes on the heavy 'Mechs. Don't fire them at moving 'Mechs from a distance, though, as this is their (and your) main tactic of defence from heavy weapons. So keep moving at all times.

Before taking on the other warriors, you'll need to get to grips with the guns, the guidance system, and how to navigate effectively through the terrain. Ample opportunity is provided at your base to acquire these skills, but you need to concentrate hard during the training and be very careful. The trainers are condescending gits, and they'll really lay into you if you don't do as you're told.

1. Yellow Mission: Codename Pyre Light Don't waste time setting up - stick with your Mad Dog Mech. It's great for this terrain. Head for NAV Epsilon, and do in the two 'Mechs you meet on the way to the chemical plant. Raze that to the ground, then prepare for an enemy advance from the east. You'll find the 'Mechs easy to blast from a distance, and you'll soon see how easy it is to polish them off if you lock on from a distance, and fire a couple of salvos as soon as they get into view.

To finish off, make fast for NAV Zeta, and inspect the fire base by pressing 'Q' to target, then 'I' to inspect it. Then head straight east, and get picked up by your rescue craft before time runs out.

2. Orange Mission: Codename Flame Tongue Time to start ignoring advice. Go for NAV Gamma to start with, and blast the Big Momma who shows up near the Campsite. It's getting dark, and you can't see much, so press 'W' for advanced imaging.

The big HQ's less easy. Blast the Turrets with your long range missiles, and don't move in until they're destroyed. Now head in and cut short the lifespan of the Stormcrow. Always give your lasers a chance to cool before you get into a big fight.

On the way back, for more honour, kill the campsite near NAV Gamma off to the right behind a ridge. Jolly good show.

3. Teal Mission: Codename Blade Splint

Now get customising. You must get Jump Jets, and be able to go faster than 110 kph. Then launch up, and move at full speed, trying to avoid fights.

Go straight to NAV Beta - there ain't time to waste on NAVs Alpha or Gamma. You must inspect the Power Converter with 'I' before you blast it. Keep hiding in the city. The baddies won't see you.

On route to the first NAV point, you'll get grief from three Kitfox 'Mechs. Hide to the left then kill them one by one. You must destroy the helicopter on the way to NAV BETA, as it has missiles. In the centre of the city you'll find four more 'Mechs, with a Falcon Summoner at the helm.

Now find the bank at the crossroads using the satellite view. Stand in the middle of the cross and you should see a blue light between the buildings to the north-east. The Power Converter is the thing with the octagons. You need to inspect it (using 'I') before you destroy it. In the open, if you move in big sweeping waves, the enemies won't be able to get a lock on you, so you may survive longer.

And one last tip: when you need to scarper (you will), use your Jump Jets and clear off quick.

4. Taupe Mission: Codename Temper Edge

You need the Jump Jets again for this mission, and missiles, and you must be fast (Jenna/Nova?). After launch, hack off to the north (point to 24) and blast the ugly threesome from a distance with your rockets.

When you get to the T5 hang in there, and stay close. The waves of 'Mechs will try to head you off as you blast them, but don't let them lead you astray. Be patient, stay put, and take them out one by one as they come in close to you.

5. Jenny Mission: First Trial

You're about to become a commander, and you must stay cool. When you meet the enemy, take out some limbs with big rockets before getting in close. Then cool down for a moment, go in there with lasers, and blast 'em.

First Star: Don't let the first two 'Mechs draw you away. They may be fast, but their arms are useless. Stick to your path and keep enough time to shoot the star for phase two. Second Star: Start with Stormcrow, and blast off one of his legs. Then get the Gargoyle. Shoot off his arms, then smash him until he's no longer a problem, and kill the Stormcrow from behind.

6. Sable Mission: Codename Sable Flame

Tricky one, this. You need to use the satellite view to locate the sensor dome, but you mustn't hit the dome or you'll fail the mission. Once you're at the NAV point, turn due west to find the dome.

You have two Mad Dogs and one Hellbringer to deal with here. Stay close to the dome, and shoot them with your back to it. They'll try to force you to hit it by staying close to it themselves, but just run into them and they'll move. Having killed them, you suddenly get attacked from the west by two more 'Mechs. Move round and attack them from the south, then none of the shots will hit the dome and kill the survivors. Once they're dead, wait at the dome for the rescue ship to arrive.

7. Grey Mission: Codename Burning Chrome

On the right are some kit foxes. Kill them. Go to the turrets, and one kilometre away, take one out. A Mad Dog should appear from the right. Take this guy away somewhere to kill him off.

Now go back and get all the turrets you can see, leaving the one on the wall that you can't see from your vantage point. Now zap that solar array from one kilometre away with large lasers. If you're silly enough to approach the Array (or you don't have the lasers), then you'll need to deal with the Summoner. Be sure to shoot off his left arm first - it has a Gauss Rifle which could rip you to shreds.

8. Brown Mission: Scorching Sand

Right, this one's easy. You need a Summoner, Jump Jets, long-range missiles, and long-range lasers. There are Stormcrows, Elementals and Riflemen here. First, use the lasers to take out the Jenners. Don't let them circle you. Next, use your jump jets to jump up to the closest Mesa's lowest ledge.

Now jump from Mesa to Mesa following the path of the NAV points. Jump on the tall crescent Mesa that surrounds the mobile HQ. From there use the zoom function, and blast your long-range missiles at the turrets and the armoured cars. You'll need to use the 'Q' key to target these objects from such a distance.

The Elementals that you'll see have really useless defences, so a couple of hits and they're dead.

9. Amy Mission: Your Second Trial

This will be familiar. The set-up is just like the first trial mission, but much harder. The enemy 'Mechs have a Rifleman, which puts a damper on things, but with skill and determination, you should get there in the end. Keep cool, and don't get involved in a long chase.

10. Silver Mission: Codename Silver Staff

Config: Try a Warhammer with PPCs and long-range missiles. Make sure your starmate has the same config too. This mission has very little time, so make haste.

Strategy: Take the NAV points in order and be aware of friendly 'Mechs who should help you. Concentrate on the big targets. The chemical plant has a tall chimney, and this must be blasted. Targets will be added to your list of objectives. Inspect everything before you smash it, because you need to identify it all afterwards to be justly rewarded.

The first two 'Mechs you meet in this level are a Gargoyle and a Dire Wolf. If you damage the Gargoyle, he'll try to run for help, so kill him quick. Don't let him take you to his starmates, because they'll destroy you easily.

11 Aqua Mission: Codename Aquiline Fire

Config: You need a fast 'Mech with Jump Jets. Strategy: Take out one of the Stormcrow's legs, and then the Gargoyle's arms, and you're in there. The Gargoyle will run, but leave him. Get behind the Stormcrow and send him back to his maker. Now go to NAV Theta.

When you get there, continue at 23 on the compass and the crashed drop ship will be there. Enter the crater and the enemy 'Mechs will follow you. Now identify the ship safely, wait for the data to download, and blow the whole thing up. You're really going to need missiles now, to blast over the lip of the crater and get the enemy 'Mechs. Streak missiles are best. You can then make a run for NAV Kappa to dust off.

12. Kim Mission: Your third trial

Again, this is much like the other stars. For the first star you need to keep hiding in the hills for safety. First take out a leg each from the Stormcrow and the Mad Dog. Disable the last Mech in Phase 1, but don't kill it.

Lastly, sneak up on the Gargoyles and attack them from behind before they get you. In the second phase, take off the Gargoyles' arms. Try to fight only one at a time.

13. Cyan Mission: Codename Cold Crescent

There's a Mad Dog here, and he's got you sussed, so kill him before he can radio back and reveal you as an infiltrator. Once you're in the gate they'll recognise you as an enemy, so watch it. Head for the back, and you'll find a hidden vent. Take it out, enter the reactor and destroy the core. Run like mad and you can just avoid the nuclear shock wave.

For this level, you'll need a custom 'Mech with a big engine that does at least 100 kph. Jump Jets will help you here. It's a good mission for heavy lasers, or laser/missile combinations.

14. Maroon Mission: Codename Velvet Hammer

It's time for a 'Mech with lots of short-range weapons like machine guns, streaks, and pulse lasers. Turn right out of the hanger and, missing out the first NAV point, walk round to the left of the buildings and kill the Hellbringer.

Go the same way as the limo and destroy all the 'Mechs ahead of time. Then return to the first NAV point for rescue.

15. Gold Mission: Codename Golden Spade

Customisation: Go for three Warhawks, four ER lasers, and six ER medium lasers. Armour and Heatsinks are a must. You're going to get hot, but you've got to override that automatic shutdown. With loads of Heatsinks you'll be okay.

In the arena of battle: You're going to have to delegate here. Give your starmates lots of targets to blast, and hang back yourself, giving them new ones every time they blast one.

The shield generator is located at 30 degrees on the compass, somewhere around the palace. You'll need to turn on Light Enhancement to see it. Once it's destroyed, kill the rest of the 'Mechs.

There's a tough Timberwolf waiting for you at 27 on the compass. Sneaky tip: Identify the palace complex from outside the palace walls. Now shoot over the walls to destroy the palace. Then you won't need to meet the 'Mechs inside.

16. Irene Mission: Your Final Trial

Here you'll have to use all the tactics you've previously learned. Take out the Rifleman, then go for the Warhawk. Good luck, old Warrior.

To view the next page containing Part 2 of the Walkthrough and the Mercenaries Strategy Guide click here!

"Lock 'em in a room and slip a couple of pizzas under the door, and they'll work wonders."

-General Morgan Hasek-Davion,

Sudeten, 12 July 3050